Documentations et notices d'utilisation des potences à rotation manuelle ou electrique, murale ou sur fût Documentation generale Brochure – Gru a bandiera manuali ed elettriche – Italiano Brochure - Manual and electric jib cranes – English Brochure- Potence manuelles et électriques – French Broschüre – manuelle und elektrische auslegerkrane – Deutsch Folleto - grúas plumas manual o eléctrica – Spanish Brochure - nuova gru a bandiera serie GRL – italiano Brochure - new Jib crane GRL – English Brochure - nouvelle potence GRL – French Broschüre - neuer GRL Schwenkkran – Deutsch Folleto - nueva grúa pluma GRL – Spanish Notice technique Instructions for use and maintenance GBA-GBP / CBE-MBE - italian Instructions for use and maintenance GBA-GBP / CBE_MBE - english Instructions for use and maintenance GBA-GBP / CBE_MBE - french Instructions for use and maintenance GBA-GBP /CBE-MBE - german Instructions for use and maintenance GBA-GBP / CBE-MBE - spanish KMAN14MI01 - Instructions for use and maintenance MBB-CBB - Italian KMAN14MG01 - Instructions for use and maintenance MBB-CBB - english KMAN14MF01 - Instructions for use and maintenance MBB-CBB - french KMAN14MD01 - Instructions for use and maintenance MBB-CBB - german KMAN14ME01 - Instructions for use and maintenance MBB-CBB - spanish KMAN09MI00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBR - italian KMAN09MG00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBR - english KMAN09MF00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBR - french KMAN09MD00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBR - german KMAN09ME00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBR - spanish KMAN10MI00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBL - italian KMAN10MG00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBL - english KMAN10MF00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBL - french KMAN10MD00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBL - german KMAN10ME00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GBL - spanish KMAN60MI00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GRL - italian KMAN60MG00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GRL - english KMAN60MF00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GRL - french KMAN60MD00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GRL - german KMAN60ME00 - Instructions for use and maintenance GRL - spanish